Art Deco

Art Deco

The period known as Art Deco rapidly supplanted the preceding dominance of the art nouveau movement with an even more radical change in style. Though its beginnings arose from the cultural ashes of the inter war period in the early 20s, the term was not formerly adopted until the  1960s. 

its name, short for Arts Décoratifs, came from the Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes  (International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts) held in Paris in 1925. Expressing exuberance, modernity and technological progress it sprung from a desire to break free from the depression of the 14 -18 war. In its highest forms of expression it resulted in a combination of fine craftsmanship with luxurious materials to fulfil the desire of wealthy individuals to embrace modernity in all spheres of life.

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